
While performing other various contracts for UpTop, the need arose for a developer/manager hybrid to co-manage the seven figure CenturyLink Wholesale legacy, maintenance account and its support team. [343 words]

CenturyLink Wholesale

CenturyLink Wholesale focuses in general on national Wholesale products & services, and specifically on the many resellers in their regulated 14-state market; a hold-over from the AT&T "Bell" breakup. A network of Web sites (both internal & external) were essential pieces in facilitating CenturyLink to reach, inform & assist their customers - while also adhering to specific FCC/FTC regulations.

What I Did

Co-managed the team which supported a suite of 40+ Web applications (ColdFusion, HTML, JS, Ruby on Rails, PHP) critical to CenturyLink Wholesale and used daily by thousands of internal and external users. Met with client shakeholders to clearly define requirements, set expectations, scheduling, creating technical documentation, and provide necessary training.

Business as usual consisted of responding to user issues, application outages, client initiatives, error reports, CenturyLink policy changes, branding updates, required documentation and normal application maintenance.

Managed several larger migrations of applications to the updated web technology platforms or new server/database environments. Navigated CenturyLink hoops and processes as necessary while meeting oft-changing deadlines and expectations. Worked with a team at times separated by four states and several countries, almost exclusively off-site, across various time-zones.

What I Learned

For many years work centered around less frenetic accounts with comfortable deadlines and well organized clients. Much to my surprise, the drastically more exciting pace of managing a high level corporate account vastly appealed to me. I learned I still love the smell of chaos in the morning, provided it comes with coffee.

Why Aren't I Still Working There?
CenturyLink took the account in-house and terminated the contract with UpTop in the summer of 2018.

2015 - 06.2018


CenturyLink Wholesale

via UpTop

What Tools Did I Use
Analytics, CenturyLink internal tools, CSS, DocuWiki, Dreamweaver, GitLab, GoToMeeting, GlobalMeet, Hangout, HTML, JS, Mantis, MS Office, Nagios, Photoshop, Redmine, Remedy, Skype, Slack, Telnet/FTP/SFTP, TextPad.

What Skills Did I Employ
Client Relations, Front-end Developer, Project Manager, Wiki Manager.

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